πŸ’°Revenue Share

$VAULTED Token - A Gateway to Investment:

The $VAULTED token is more than a utility; it's an investment in the ecosystem. Token holders enjoy a 25% share of all platform-generated revenue, granting them a direct stake in the success of Vaulted. This unique model ensures that users own a significant portion (1/4) of the business income, aligning their interests with the platform's prosperity.

Innovative Revenue Management:

Unclaimed Ethereum from revenue sharing doesn't go unnoticed at Vaulted. We've implemented a forward-thinking strategy: any unclaimed funds are automatically used to repurchase $VAULTED tokens. These repurchased tokens are then sent to a burn address, creating a deflationary supply mechanism. This not only enhances token scarcity but also showcases our commitment to responsible and sustainable token economics.

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